Monday, September 1, 2008

Instant Replay

"Our lives are a mere dot on the long line of eternity."

Driving in my truck this past weekend, my two backseat drivers (Emily, age 8 and Katelyn, age 7) noticed that I went through an intersection and when doing so, the light turned from amber to red. We had a short discussion as to whether or not I ran the red light. Jokingly, I told Emily that we could look at the “instant replay”. She innocently asked me if we really could. I told her that there was indeed instant replay, but we would not be able to see it until we get to heaven. Katelyn jumped in “like they have in NASCAR?” Emily quickly responded “yeah, but probably with a lot more cameras.”

What a great, but simple lesson that fell right into my lap that I was immediately able to teach my girls. Every action we take, whether or not there is someone there to see it, is recorded. God sees everything we do and hears everything we say. Before we take action, or react negatively to a situation, we need to ask ourselves…what is this going to look like on instant replay?

Simply take a count of five before reacting to a situation (if that doesn’t work, take a count of fifty!). As you will agree, most of us find it is hard enough to change ourselves. It is even more difficult to change others. So if you're getting stressed over other people's actions, change how you react, rather than expecting others to change. As you change, watch the people change around you! I promise you this will look exceptional on Heaven’s instant replay!

1 comment:

DutchMom said...

What a great testimony and reminder :)! Keep up the great "Dad" & "Teacher" work!